If I don't do anything, will she think that I am not interested and move on? Thanks for you advice.Crazy situation with a girl. Need advice.?
For starters....never get any information second hand. My advice is to go to this girl first hand and validate whether she became nervous or not. Go to the source....you may not be getting the real story. The girl will find that you are a bigger person for confronting her yourself. Never let a relationship get caught in the grapevine.Crazy situation with a girl. Need advice.?
bake her a cake or something
exactly, ask her out to the local cafee, or to the library
Coffee is good, but take it slow, so maybe just be her friend.
Shell come round when she realizes how sweet you are.
I think girls are basically the same throughout their entire life. We act in similar ways but then again, you have exceptions.
Anways, back to you..
You gotta find out for yourself if the girl you asked out was really nervous and said no because of that. Just because her friends told you so, it may not be true. My suggestion to you is to speak to her one on one. I know, as scary as that may seem, trust me. It will work and hopefully you can bring up another date. If you're still worried about not making her scared right off the bat, ask to go out and have some coffee.
I know this could probably make her uncomfortable because she's wonderin if she hurt you or whatever. Make her feel better by keeping eye contact and smiling =] Oh, and feel free to treat her out to coffee! hahaha Ask about her hobbies and interests and keep the conversation going. Find some common ground and you should be able to take it from there.
good luck!
Honestly, maybe you should mention what her friends told you. Do it online or in a text so it doesn't create a REALLY awkward situation.
Do something. Move it or lose it. That's the rule in life, you either act or you lose. If she likes you she wont' think you're a stalker.
tell her friends to tell her to make the 1st move n that u r still interested.
Okay first off, I have had the same situation happen to me. You asked this girl out but she said no. Well if her her friends are telling you that you caught her off guard and she was nervous, then they are probably telling the truth. Girls talk and the girl you like more than likely told her friends to tell you so you would ask her again. Dont be afraid to ask her again. Now if she rejects you again, I would say to lay off quite a bit, but she was probably saying that she didnt have time because she either has come out of a bad relationship and is scared to make another commitment, or she is stuck in a hard time in her life right now and really doesnt think that she can handle a boyfriend. In my opinion, which you are asking for, I say ask her out again. You wont ever find anything out if you dont ask. Good luck!
You should make another move, but not a big move...ya know what i mean?
Invite her to a public area like somewhere that her and her friends and you frequent. Tell her you like her and would love to take her out. Give her your phone number, and stick to genereal topics. Make this a kind of passing situation where you and her have about 5-10 minutes together and then give her a chance to leave or you leave. Let her call it on her terms though sometimes directness can be intimidating to girls.
Take her out on a data and ask her out!
TAKE HER OUT for dinner or something get her alond and then ask if she would like to go out with you if she says no jus say ok but tell her if she change her mind u will wnt 2 know hehe
ask her out for a cup of coffee
Just talk with her and let her see that your comfortable with her.
she is just nervous, just like you. she may not have realized that you were interested in her. you made a move already, follow through. go and ask her for a casual coffee or a walk in the park, you can't not assume. she will not think you are stalking her. ask her out as a friend. it can't hurt. you can do it, believe in yourself that you have the esteem to ask her again.
yes she will think that, all girls sit and wait for the guy. like in other words girls always expect something from a guy without that guy even having a clue. so dont not do anything about it cause she will think your not interested.
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