Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Need Advice: Girl Troubles...?

Hey everyone. I have a bit of a story here, so bear with me.

For those who don't want to read the whole thing, the base of it is that I'm in love with a girl, who loves me too, but her father won't allow us to date.

However, you really need to read the story to fully understand.

A few years ago, I dated this girl, we'll call her EX. We went out for a couple months, and just when I thought it was a serious relationship, she dumped me. In a Valentine's Day Card. She was the first real relationship I'd been in, and I dove into depression.

Fast forward a few years, and I'm introduced to ';a friend who thinks you're pretty hott';. We talked for a little bit, but after that day, we couldn't stop talking. It took me a while, but I opened up to her. We started going out, but only for a while before we stopped (long distance relationships don't work).

Eventually, her family moved near me, and we decided to try again. We dated for a while, before she dumped me. I didn't know why, she didn't tell me anything, and she blocked me on MSN, Facebook, Myspace, etc. I found out it was because she met someone else, and she decided to keep that from me. I remembered being dumped by EX, and immediately put up my defenses, and retaliated. We fought with each other for weeks, called each other things we shouldn't have, it was the messiest break up of anyone I know. I decided it was stupid to argue, it was over. I deleted her from my MSN, Facebook, and all that stuff.

A couple months ago, we started to talk again. She came to me, saying that before she dumped me, I was the nicest guy she's ever met, that no one treats her properly, and she wanted to get back together with me. I'd been having sudden feelings for her recently, and agreed.

However, her dad told me that I can forget about dating her. Ever. He saw her crying for weeks after we stopped talking, and forbade her from even going near me. Her and I are older now, more serious about our relationship, but her dad is trying to protect her from something that I'm not.

I don't know what to do. We talked for two hours on Valentine's Day Night, but he won't budge. He's adamant that her and I will never ever date, but we're both so sure.

Any advice?I Need Advice: Girl Troubles...?
Eh tough spot. I'd say talk to her father.

Tell him that you guys not being together now is hurting her way more than it ever did or could.

Or something like that. Remember to be smart and convincing..

plus after a while, he cant control what she does any more.

And if she really wants you too, then she could try and change his mind.

best of luck(:

xxI Need Advice: Girl Troubles...?
try going over to their house and talking with her dad and explain everything to him and how you have changed and that you do not want to hurt his daughter
you have to proof to her dad that you like her and don't just want to get in to her nickers but i cant tell you cause ive never been there myself
I wouldnt even give her a chance since she dumped you for another guy. How do you know she wont do it again?

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