Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am bullied at my school because I'm not the pretiest or skinniest girl. any advice?

thanks and guys plz don't tell me to lose weigh or get pretty I just let my natural beauty show I don't cover up with make up like a doll.I am bullied at my school because I'm not the pretiest or skinniest girl. any advice?
I say BE YOUR SELF. DONT EVER let people judge you by the way you look. Don't bully them back, it just proves how weak you are, your giving in. NO karate, hows that going to help? you going to kick there a$$? That isn't going to solve anything. If you transfer or get home schooled, then they will assume that you left because your scared.

You look beautiful. Having friends who really care is your main weapon against the bullies. You can talk to them about anything, and they wont laugh or make fun of you, they'll under stand.

Stick up for your self. If you don't, they ll just come back for more. Don't be like a 5 yr old and tell on them. That's just plain stupid.

make up or loosing weight or making your self pretty..i don't know how in the world that can boost your self-confidence.

I hope this helps in the long run.I am bullied at my school because I'm not the pretiest or skinniest girl. any advice?
you are very pretty dont let any1 tell you otherwise its maybe cause they are jealous of you
Just be yourself and hang around a crowd of your friedns they will defend you if they are truly your friends
You don't say what the bullying adds up to, but if you are being prevented from getting your education, threated with bodily harm, getting actually physically harmed then you need to talk to your school's principal. Youd deserve just as much education as they get.

I have found, that the only way to get abuse to stop is to stop tolerating it. So, you are going to have to figure out how to do that. there are all kinds of solutions - from leaving to go to another area, to being physically aggressive back. This isn't recommended by the pundits of the modern age, but it does generally work. Try to use it as a last resort. Don't put anybody in the hospital.

When I was younger, I put a lot of faith into what other people said about me. Now that I am older, I choose more wisely whose opinion I decide to care about. This started when I became a school bus driver, and I was driving a route that had a bunch of Emotional/Behavior Disorder kids on it. They would say terrible things to me. It didn't take long before I said to myself ';Why do I care about the opinion of a punk 14 year old kid whose social skills are nil, grades are awful and can't manage to stay out of jail?';

I've given this a lot of thought over the years, and here is what I mean.

If Hitler said he didn't like you, would you be upset or happy? Isn't Hitler the type of person it would be good to be hated by? He perpetrated evil upon the human race - I'd be worried if that guy liked me. Insulted.

So, too, you have to decide whose opinion you care about. Choose wisely.
tell your counselors, principal and teachers .

that is not right that they do that.

but keep being yourself and you will be fine. Ignore them ... live your life. They probably see how confident you are and are jealous.

I commend you on being happy with your natural ways... I believe that is truly the first step to loving yourself. And that is something not everyone has.

Good luck. and keep your head up!
Goog for you honey. Fooey on the guys. When those other girls get old they won't look good as you.

I hated that when I went to school and wish I would have spoken my mind to them.

Tell them at least you don't have a burnt or scared face.

You could find a lot of gals just like yourself - without make-up at any Oneness Penecostal church.....they have youth groups.

Look them up in the Phone book, yellow pages. You can make friends there. They dress modestly. The Bible says to be modest.
be confident, each day, say '; I am all that, and that is what I am. Until you say it with attitude I AM ALL THAT AND THAT IS WHAT I AM, because people can not always see everything from the surface, let your light shine! so others may see, that the best person you are is all you can be!

If you do not like make up, don't wear it, i did not wear make up until 29, but loved me some lip gloss, try that, guys are stupid... they like shiny stuff.
From what I can tell in your tiny profile pic, you are absolutely gorgeous! Wow, I can't believe there are kids who are picking on you!

First, be confident about yourself, just be yourself. The only thing you should change about yourself is if:

1) you are mean to others for no reason,

2) you look down upon others and think you are superior/smarter than other people

3) you look down upon yourself and think you're not good enough.

People will not like you if you aren't caring, and if you don't respect them. You have to listen to people when they speak, don't cut them off, and as a general rule of thumb you should be listening more than you are talking.

Just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean they are dumb, they are just different. When you don't agree with someone, be respectful, just smile and say, ';Okay, that's great! Here is what I think...';

Everybody in this world is beautiful and amazing. The next time you see someone being a jerk, just think to yourself that he had a bad know you've had your share of bad days too! Every person in the world has a life story to tell that can bring tears to your eyes...EVERYONE. Keep that in mind, and it will be very hard to critisize others. Nobody has a perfect life, you just have to make the most out of it. And remember, you are just as beautiful and amazing as everybody else!

By the way you don't look fat or ugly to me (in the little picture I see,) and TRUST ME, there are people out there who think you look perfect (I do, I am being very serious.) There are guys out there who want to date you, girls who want to be your friend, just be confident and always remember to smile just in case you meet the person who wants to get to know you!
It is all about confidence. If you show that it bothers you then it will get worse. You have to show them that it does not bother you and that it is going to be difficult for them to make fun of you. What I mean is when something is said do not cower down and walk away. Have a comeback ready. After a few times of getting something thrown back at them the bullying will slow down and they will move to an easier target. Don't try to embarrass them because then they will feel like getting you back. Say something like I try really hard to look nice and I would appreciate it if you would not make fun of me just to make yourself feel better. I picked on guys and girls in high school just to make myself feel better. I did not get a wake up call until I became a teacher and saw how it made the kids being picked on feel. Unfortunately kids do not know how much it hurts when they put down others. Live your life and stop caring what others think. They are seriously doing it to make themselves feel better which is sad. On the other side if they are making fun of you they must feel threatened by you somewhat, so there must be something that you are doing that they wish they were able to do.
Talk to a counselor. And just be yourself.
Just be yourself, dont change for ANYONE.

My mate was bullied for 3 years cause of the same reasons..

One days she just turned round and said ';i dont care what you think, This is how im staying and theres noting you can do to make me change';

Now she has so much respect from others because of it. Just stay strong x

you need to seriously stand up for yourself and kick somes asses

if you were my friend, i would stand up for you.
Become friends with a strong guy in your school, he will protect u.
sad to say somebody has pulled a bag over your head and encouraged you to have low self esteem. Or maybe you have bucked them because you felt they were bullying you to put you down when in fact they were harrassing you to wake you up to reality. Take a good look around you and encourage yourself to diet (if that's what you need), use a little make-up and get fixed what needs to be fixed or you will be left behind in love, in employment, in money. All the important things you need to survive.
Hi i am not going to tell you that i have gone through what you are going through bc i haven't but i respect you for having the courage to be yourself and just be natural...i say forget what other ppl think and they only bully you bc they wish they could just be themselves....everybody is beautiful in their own way and as long as you believe in yourself thats all that matters...ppl put you down bc by doing so they make themselves feel better...but really all they are doing is dying inside...ppl like that aren't worth worrying about and dont change yourself just bc ppl are cruel and long as you are happy with yourself you can do anything you set your mind to...just have faith and beleive in yourself.
knock their a$$s out!! don't let anyone bully u ever!
True beauty is found within! If you are beautiful and people make fun of you than those people can go $uck an egg! Dont worry move on with your life its better that way! you will be happier!
If you're truly being bullied, then it's either b/c they are jealous of you, bored, stupid, or all of the above. Here's ome advice- If they know they can get away with it, then they will never stop. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.
All right this happens to me alot so don't worry if its the guys tell them to go F**k off because your probaly a nice person and they don't know what they are missing....if its the girls tell them they need to click their heels together and wish for a are beautiful in your own way and someone somewhere is going to see that and sweep you off your feet...(lol that sounds corny but it will happen, life is stranger then fiction)
So you're not the ';prettiest'; or the ';skinniest'; and neither was I at your age -- but I had a boyfriend ALL the time -- not because I was loose, but because I was friendly and fun to be around.

If you're letting your looks or size get you down, look inward and realize what you truly are.

Love yourself and others will too!
ignore the morons that tease you

you look good to me!
High school is such a small part of your whole life, that before you know it, it is over.

You don't have to be skinny and pretty to be popular or have friends. You sound like you have a lot of confidence in yourself and I think that is great.

Who cares what a bunch a kids think anyways??
If they make fun of you know no problem because when you get a better degree in something then them then youll be the one teasing them. Get it?
tell on them
Well ignore them!!Don't change cuz maybe they are jealous!Tell a teacher or someone to talk to them...goodluck :)
you are doing well let the others go and let them know you are their to learn not to be a queen or make up artiest.
it is all a matter of your confidence

find some cool clothes that show your personal style and SMILE a lot. everyone will want to be around you if you're happy because people gravitate to what they want to be...

take some time to take care of yourself so YOU can be proud of ';you.'; you will need to like yourself before other people can :)
DONT EVER let anyone bring you down. If you know you are pretty and believe you are then let them talk. They just dont have anything better to do

If anything, be happy they are talking about you. They're paying you attention more than anyone else. GOOD LUCK HUN!
If you are not interested in changing your appearance (which you should not have to), then you will just have to learn to bear the burden. Usually a lack of response will get bullies to quit thier teasing. If the teasing escalates, talk to your teacher or similar authority.
I have two bits advice:

school transfer

home school

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