I am short of money at the moment and am considering becoming a prostitute. I just wonder whether it's worth waiting a month until I'm 18 tho?17 year old girl needs advice....?
Prostitution is a very bad idea at any age. There are so many better, and legal ways to make money. Don't sell yourself to dirty old men. Every woman deserves better than that.17 year old girl needs advice....?
Prostitution isn't the way to go. Get a normal job. Someone very close to me became a prostitute at the age of 18 and got caught up in the wrong things. She told her self over and over ';i wont get caught up in drugs'; well 2 months ago she passed away due to exactly that. Just consider your options and place prostitution as a last resort. If you need money quick try donating blood/plasma, or try selling things on Ebay?
hope i could help.
you should probably wait a month :)
No matter how low, and out you get - that should never be the solution for your problems. You would be degrading yourself, lowering your value as a woman, putting yourself at risk for STDS, possibly getting pregnant by a John etc..
If you need food, go to welfare and/or a woman's shelter.
Please answer mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
is this a joke?
it's worth not being a prostitute
just don't do it...
Sure is worth the money. Losing your morals and catching a fatal disease is totally worth it!
no way! do u want hiv/aids??? watever u do, dnt sell ur beautiful body! go on benefits if u have to. when it comes to prostitution, i say ';no way, jose'; lol ;)
Before you go and become a prostitute, if you already have a job get a second job. You are tooo young to be considering becoming a prostitute. Get a second job before you become a prostitute, you might regret doing that later in life. Put some though in it, don't get yourself into that life. Even if it means getting a second job, you can still do it.
whatever you don't become a prostitute
ask someone in your family or a close for money they will most probably be happy to give it to you but they probably wont be happy if u become a prostitute
sure if you want to end up raped or killed. now then don't do it.
are you asking for a disease?? honestly shut the he|| up...you are rediculous....prostitution is one of the worst ways to go...im sure you can wait a month until you are 18!!!! u obviously made it this far...you can wait one more month
Thats absolutely the wrong answer!
No matter what age, you really shouldnt steep to that level.
Try applying as a waitress in your local cafe, or shelfstacking or something in your newsagents; its a way to get money without putting yourself at that danger, or being forced to that level! There are always alternatives, trust me! Tell your parents about your money problems, although dont mention what youre thinking of doing to solve it, and im sure they or some friends can help you out with some cash!
hope this helps.
What are you thinking?! That is, with out a doubt, the worst solution to any kind of problem. Have you considered looking for a real job, one that won't leave you with who knows how many diseases and a messed up mind?
Please get help.
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